Hungry for inspiration?

We have been working on the recipe of our plant-based Shrymps for ages. 

All to develop a product that perfectly emulates the taste, texture and gusto of an animal prawn. To deliver you 100 % taste & 0 % after taste. 

And of course we also worked on some recipes that just go all too well with our Shrymps. So get inspired and try out our dishes. You won’t regret it ;)

  • Pasta con Aglio y Shrymps

    Ciao amici dell'oceano – How about a culinary trip to Italy today?

  • Summer salad x mango

    Summer is calling. We sure hear it when thinking of this salad. Wanna taste it?

  • Happy Asia bowl

    Bowl. Salad. Rice dish. Whatever the name, the taste doesn't dissapoint.